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Value for Money

Value for money: resources


Bond resources

Value for money: what it means for UK NGOsValue for money: what it means for NGOs (PDF). This Bond paper presents a framework to help UK NGOs navigate the value for money agenda and to identify which approaches and methods are best suited to their needs.
Integrating value for money into the programme cycle (PDF) - a new Bond resource on how value for money considerations can be integrated into the programme cycle and how an NGO can build a robust and defensible case for how an intervention balances economy, efficiency and effectiveness and delivers the most value for poor and marginalised people.
Bond's presentation on value for money at the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness at Busan in November 2011 (PowerPoint)

Discussion papers

ICAI's approach to effectiveness and value for money - the Independant Commission on Aid Impact's paper on value for money, looking at approaches to and ways to measure value for money.
Value for money: current approaches and evolving debates - an LSE paper

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