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ESCAP Online Statistical Database and Yearbook


ESCAP Online Statistical Database has
been updated with the latest data available for the 630 data series covered
by the database. This update, part of the regular (twice yearly) update
cycle of the database, includes new data on child health, education, food
security, CO2, energy, natural disasters, GDP, ODA, FDI, information
technology and transport.

The next round of update will take place by end of September 2014.

The database can be accessed at:

The online version of the 2013 edition of the Statistical Yearbook is available at http://www.unescap.org/resources/statistical-yearbook-asia-and-pacific-2013 

Data visualization

The data visualization area offers alternative ways for data users to manipulate data through a choice of interactive tools to generate time-animated statistical charts and maps.

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