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Sharing Knowledge: Training Sessions (II)

Attention Please: Full of participants for June sessions.
I'd note your registration and inform before starting next (might be JULY) sessions.
Course Title                 Basic S.P.S.S 20
Course Duration           (4) weeks
Course Outline            SPSS_PS.pdf
Date                           Sat and Sun (Start Date: Jun 7, 2014)
Time                           8:30~10:30 A.M
Venue                         TBC  

Fill the Registration Form Here
Course Title                 Basic Access 2010
Course Duration           (4) weeks
Course Outline             Access_PS.pdf
Date                            Sat and Sun (Start Date: Jun 7, 2014)
Time                            11:00 A.M~12:30 P.M
Venue                          TBC
Fill the Registration Form Here
Course Title                 Intermediate Access 2012
Course Duration           (4) weeks
Date                           Sat and Sun (Start Date: Jun 7, 2014)
Time                           1:00~3:00 P.M 
Venue                          TBC

Fill the Registration Form Here

No. of Participants       8 (Each sessions)
Computer                     Participant has to bring own Laptop)                           
Fees                            Free of Charge

Contact Email              pyisoester@gmail.com

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