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Gender equality in research & development in Asia and the Pacific

Women have made important contributions to the advancement in research and development. Despite an increase in the overall number of researchers over time in Asia and the Pacific, men have consistently outnumbered women. In addition, fewer women pursue science-related education than men. As the role of technology, science and innovation is emphasized in achieving the sustainable development goals beyond 2015, it is important to unlock the potential of women in these areas in order for them to make even greater contribution to the betterment of the humankind.

Download: http://www.unescap.org/sites/default/files/Stats_Brief_Mar2015_Issue_06_Gender_in_Education_0.pdf

Source: http://www.unescap.org/resources/stats-brief-march-2015-issue-no-06-gender-equality-research-development-asia-and-pacific

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